Thursday 30 June 2016

Carmen Souza & Theo Pascal @Gibraltar World Music Fest - UK

"Carmen made a great connection with the crowd as she hypnotized us with her velvet, thick voice and incredible range. With the intense lighting and phenomenal acoustics inside the cave, ones breath was simply taken away." GMG, UK

Sunday 19 June 2016


The Summer is almost here and EPISTOLA will be sent to Spain, Italy, Portugal and Germany!

Saturday 18 June 2016


The new CD Epistola gets a 4 Stars review @EveningStandard plus #jazzCD of the week spot:
"4STARS: Carmen Souza & Theo Pascal - Epistola, review: 'a gem’

Souza and Pascal's seventh collaboration creates songs that swing, prick, and soothe

A Portuguese born jazz singer/songwriter of Cape Verdean descent, Souza smoulders on this seventh studio collaboration with bass virtuoso Theo Pascal, whose stark, expressive playing and compositional knack merit their own album.

The duo’s longtime empathy is palpable here, as is their love of jazz, with Souza’s grit-and-sparkle vocals making shapes through songs that swing and prick and soothe.

Horace Silver’s Cape Verdean Blues is lent intimacy by vocals, guitar and bass and sass by Souza’s self-penned lyrics; a band including Craig Yaremko on horns and Empirical drummer Shane Forbes keep the jazz flag flying on tracks such as Afro Monk, a lament for the late great Thelonious, and Moonlight Serenade, the album’s other signature cover. A gem." JANE CORWALL

Friday 17 June 2016

CarmenSouza&TheoPascal EPISTOLA CD launch@KingsPlace-London - UK

CD EPISTOLA was officially released in UK on June10 (Discovery Records) and to celebrate the release there was a special concert @KingsPlace on June16....another great concert feat Nathaniel Facey on Sax and Shane Forbes on drums.

Sunday 5 June 2016

CarmenSouza&TheoPascal meet The Residentie Orkest @TheHagueAfricanFestival 04June 2016-NL

The first concert of SouzaPascal duo with an Orchestra playing their original repertoire.
What a wonderful collaboration and amazing concert.

"Grootse opening The Hague African Festival
Met Residentie Orkest ft Carmen Souza & Theo Pas'cal
Het beloofde al op voorhand een bijzonder concert te worden:‪#‎CarmenSouza & ‪#‎TheoPascal in samenwerking met het‪#‎ResidentieOrkest. Oftewel de opening van The Hague African Festival 2016. Oftewel klassiek meets wereldmuziek en jazz in een bijzondere combinatie.
Een groot publiek wist gisteren de weg naar het @Zuiderstrandtheater zeker te vinden. In een goed gevuld theater was het vanaf de eerste minuut puur genieten van het gedreven Afro/jazz duo. Carmen Souza & Theo Pascal genoten zelf ook zichtbaar van hun eerste optreden met een groot klassiek orkest. Het was alsof hun muziek nog meer diepgang kreeg middels de vermenging met de virtuoze klassieke klanken.
Het publiek was in het begin wat afwachtend. Pas toen Carmen Souza de mensen opzweepte met wervelende klanken was het enthousiasme daar. Vooral tijdens het nummer Afrika klapten en zongen de mensen mee en lieten zich meeslepen.
The Hague African Festival kijkt terug op een mooie openingsavond 2016 met Carmen Souza en Theo Pascal. Het was het begin van een aantal mooie evenementen die de komende tijd nog gaan komen"
The HagueAfricanFestival

"What is striking is the clear voice of singer Carmen Souza, a huge range hair tools. In several pieces she resembles a young Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughan. But, partly by singing in Portuguese, also insists Ellis Regina as a thought for comparison. Not the least of names in order to be compared with. Meanwhile, the wing is swapped for guitar, bass a bass guitar and Cabo Verde used as a hymn to the Cape Verde Islands. Where the voice of Carmen Souza higher seems to be than in the previous pieces.

Theo Pascal.
In several tracks that run the huge number of tempo changes is striking. Of inciting to 'laid back', in the same number. Without hesitation, executed to perfection. Vida Facil get beautiful string arrangements discussed. It is played almost dreamy, a wonderful combination with the own voice Souza, splashing pure, clear and powerful. Certainly in this piece is the previously mentioned comparison with Ellis Regina around the corner. Where the orchestra fills the parties in masterly fashion."


Rehearsal photos by Patricia Pascal: